With an enormous amount of distractions children have today, time to exercise is slowly diminishing. It began with a discussion of eliminating Physical Education from local school systems and may soon lead to a decrease in children’s physical and mental health. As this becomes more of an issue today, it is critical we began to develop ways to get kids involved in exercise. Exercise and a healthy lifestyle helps keep kids free from sickness, combats obesity and can even help raise a child’s grade.
Great Home Workout with Nexersys Avatar Exergaming Rounds
Nexersys includes Avatar gaming rounds that test your skills by challenging your speed, agility and power. Nexersys is a perfect fun stress reliever for adults and offers fun gaming for kids by combining the latest in exercise equipment and interactive gaming. With the child mode, kids can get in a great workout without even knowing … Read more about Great Home Workout with Nexersys Avatar Exergaming Rounds