Wake up. Get the kids to school. Rush to work. Slam yourself through the workday like a pinball in a machine — all the while thinking how much you would like to pulverize something, anything, all out sheer frustration that comes from bosses and irate customers. Afterward, you are picking up the kids, grocery shopping, soccer practice, errands and not always in that order. Does that sound similar to your life? And the gym? Who has time to go to a gym? You will be lucky if that plastic piece of fitness equipment sitting in the corner ever sees anything other than a garage sale. After all, it’s far from a home gym, and when you did exercise with it, it barely made your pinky toe slimmer.
Tips on Starting a Corporate Wellness Initiative
The majority of us spend more hours in the office than anywhere else. So how does one stay fit or keep motivated to stay fit? Well more and more companies are implementing corporate wellness plans with a focus on bringing fitness into the workplace. Companies have realized that by creating a wellness environment they encourage … Read more about Tips on Starting a Corporate Wellness Initiative